Thursday, October 7, 2010
mmm...nak bloggin' pon da xde mood..a couple of week...t'sangat la bz..ngn assignmt,test,presentation..n for sure my daily hard life..idop x slalunye indah..kadand ok kadang x..time ok..ok la..time x??haaa......sume owg pon penah idop susah..lagi2 bile kite berkomitmen ngan owg len..owg jauh..owg dekat..sume mesti ade probs..aku..aku??
mestila ade..ngn kwn2..ngn owg tsyg...hmmm...
kwn2..aku saje je nk share kat cni..tiade kaitan antare yg idop or da xde..
kdg2 kan..ak xphm..ngn dunia aku sdiri..xpaham ngn owg skeliling aku..tp bile pikir2 balek..ak kene belajar adapt ngn diowg..make them understand kite..haaa..cmtu r..kurg lbey nye...
drastically change..is hard to face kan..tp..lau kite pandai maen..adapt..xde masalah..sumtink will change if kite stressed on it..kompem xde problem..but beware..kadang tu..yg brubah nye xlame..untok kebaikan..biarla lame..tp untok yg burok tu..biorle sekejap...cam aku gak..ak xcakap aku ni baek sangat..kite ni sume insan biase..ade silap salah..burok baek..sume atas nafsu n akal kite..lau kite pandai kawal..baekla die..lau x..mm...xtw pe nak kate la kan..
salah???..sume owg penah wat salah...apela sgt lau kite cube untok memaafkan owg len..sedangkan Nabi Muhammad pon boley maafkan owg yg buat salah besar..kite???dndam??xpayah dendam..xelok..wat cepat tue je..lagipon pe gune dendam??dapat 1st prize ke?dpt banglo?xde kan...so..amek la yg jernih..buang yg keruh tu..kite sesame manusia..xelok menjauhkan lagi jurang silaturrahim ni..berdose..kasih syg..tolak ansur..hormat m'hormati..sume tu lagi penting...bak kate nenek aku.."kalu xdop kasih sayey,tolok ansor..punoh ranoh la rumohtanggo..."..begitula kirenye kate2 dy...owg yg da byk mkn garam lam idop..lau xcye..korg g tye sape2 je..sume ckp gtu..tp lau ade yg kte bukan tu..xtwla plop..maybe diowg ade opinion diowg sendiri kot..
huh..cinta??aku??xpayahla cite kat cni...da boring..huhu
kalo korang nk tau..
cinta ni 1 bende yg xle dilihat ngan mate kasar..
cinta tu bersifat ikhlas,tulus,suci..yg sume org boley rase tp xle tengok..
cinta ni bkn je untok BF..tp untuk DIA..Allah SWT..kekasihNYA..nabi Muhammad..
ibu bapa..serta seluruh makhluk ciptaan NYA..
tanpa cinta..siapalah kita..
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
sUpErMAn SupErmaANNNNn...ayaiyaiii,,,,smalam(1/8/10:1 - 4 am) ak bermimpi...dat my 'superman' come to me...y y y..??hes begging me..?haha..da la bw mama,n his younger bro...wat purpose??how come ni ain tetibe je nk bermimpi buwok gtu...buwok sgt tuh...tp yg pastinye....ak refused!..yeaayyy!!..but y did he come to me in a sudden?then he beg'd me..hmmm...plek2..
Monday, August 23, 2010
CaLm + cOmFy = ReLIeVeD...(^_^)
Hi....evrytinks better now~~huhh...wat a tough n hard situation it was...now im ok wit it..
filing much better..n..tq for my dearie fren '"..a'an.."..for comfy me n frankly help me thru dis probby..mmm..wat else to do huh??..not only for a'an..but also all my beloved fren who readily spend their minutes to calm me.."I LOVE U ALLS.."~
hmmm..(while scratching my pointed nose..hohohoo..concious..)..dunno wat to say now...i'l write later la..perhaps so..daa..~
hi again...~hihi..
kdg2 tu..ase plek ngn guys 82ly..u noe y??
let me story u olls keyh...
gni la...sape2 yg ade bf diluar sane tu...ade x bf korg penah ckp.."syg..lau ade pape nk story,gtw je keyh..jgn simpan2..x elok.."...ader??
hahaha..slalu je ase nk tergelak bile tingat mende2 cm tuh...when it comes to a prob..then guy will said..."later,u dont have to tell me...ok..??its annoyin.."..huhhh..how come???uurrgghh...such a weirdo sumtimes....
as a girl being...we...r readily sacrificed ourselvez..(sumtimes..)..yela..ne xnye...bile kitowg ni cite...disuruhnye senyap,simpan..tp bile xcte..ckp kitowg ni suke secret2...haaa....dr situla timbulnye jeles..ta puas aty..marah...cam org kurg kaseh syg tu...uurrgghh...
bile da jadik camtu...sape xmakan dalam???cube cakap?haa....ade gak cases..acheeehh....(cases la plak)...dimane...si laki2 tu da start wat assumption buwokz2 kat si pompuan...ade org laen la...da borim la...e2 la..ini laa...haaa...yg tu ta suke je nak mendengar tuh...haaaiisshh...serabot pale otap taw...kdg tu ase nk amek tukul..ketuk je...kan gurls...hehehhee...tp nk wt cne...syg punye sal...hmmmm...syg ke??
Hi....evrytinks better now~~huhh...wat a tough n hard situation it was...now im ok wit it..
filing much better..n..tq for my dearie fren '"..a'an.."..for comfy me n frankly help me thru dis probby..mmm..wat else to do huh??..not only for a'an..but also all my beloved fren who readily spend their minutes to calm me.."I LOVE U ALLS.."~
hmmm..(while scratching my pointed nose..hohohoo..concious..)..dunno wat to say now...i'l write later la..perhaps so..daa..~
hi again...~hihi..
kdg2 tu..ase plek ngn guys 82ly..u noe y??
let me story u olls keyh...
gni la...sape2 yg ade bf diluar sane tu...ade x bf korg penah ckp.."syg..lau ade pape nk story,gtw je keyh..jgn simpan2..x elok.."...ader??
hahaha..slalu je ase nk tergelak bile tingat mende2 cm tuh...when it comes to a prob..then guy will said..."later,u dont have to tell me...ok..??its annoyin.."..huhhh..how come???uurrgghh...such a weirdo sumtimes....
as a girl being...we...r readily sacrificed ourselvez..(sumtimes..)..yela..ne xnye...bile kitowg ni cite...disuruhnye senyap,simpan..tp bile xcte..ckp kitowg ni suke secret2...haaa....dr situla timbulnye jeles..ta puas aty..marah...cam org kurg kaseh syg tu...uurrgghh...
bile da jadik camtu...sape xmakan dalam???cube cakap?haa....ade gak cases..acheeehh....(cases la plak)...dimane...si laki2 tu da start wat assumption buwokz2 kat si pompuan...ade org laen la...da borim la...e2 la..ini laa...haaa...yg tu ta suke je nak mendengar tuh...haaaiisshh...serabot pale otap taw...kdg tu ase nk amek tukul..ketuk je...kan gurls...hehehhee...tp nk wt cne...syg punye sal...hmmmm...syg ke??
Friday, August 20, 2010
ya Allah,..betapa beratnye ujian mu..
nape la mlm ni mlm plg worst skali in my life...pe yg ak wat..sume slh di mata dy..
shud i regret?or shud accept?..
berat sgt aty ni..nk lpas..syg sgt..sbb im totally luv him..siyesly xtw nk type pe..speechles already..npe dy xcye yg ak juz sygkan dy..ley plak ckp ak ad sparepart..bile mase?sape?..then..he said dat im change..ooucchh!!..totally hurted..da r nga got chestpain..tbe2 dpt lak hurt smpai cegitu...tp..kdg2..ak pon lek ngn diri sdiri...coz kdg xsdar pe yg ak wat tu ley wat aty dy goyah..82ly without noticed..so..mmg btol2 xperasan...n sumtimes ak sdar..tp ak da pon mintak mf..cume bile da byk kali...da nek loyew kewt..hmmm...dis nite 21/08/2010...ak da wat dy trase lagi...ak sdar tu..tp nape dy xle cube phm pe yg ak wt..npe dy xphm..npe....ak da try jd yg tbaek ntok dy...ak da cube bg perhatian lbey..tp pe lg xcukup..
a few time dy ad gtw...tp..pnah ke dy tw..aty ak yg keras cm batu ni...ley pecah..ley ancur..n da byk kali berderai,.tp ak xpenah givup..but when it comes to him..cpt sgt nk goyah..kdg2 aty ak jd tawar sgt..coz da byk kali sbr..tahan..coz of ak da xnk turn to other guy..i have to be strong all d time ak face ngn probs wit him..tuhan je tw aty ni luluh..ak tw..tuhan tu maha adil..mengetahui pe yg hamba DIA lalui..so...i juz can kip praying n rely on HIM..
i do love him much more than i am..
n alwiz pray 4 our happinez..
since i love him..i'd never fall to other guys..
b4 dis....ak xpnah nk rajin sgt bertahan ceni..82ly, dulu pnah skali..tp..da org men blakang kan..tinggal jela..nk simpan wat saket aty je..lgpun i fil better to let him go..mybe dy lagii epy skunk kot..i don care...watever larh...
tp yg ni...xmow lepas...even im hurt'd...
if only u cud understand me even a lil..i'l appreciate it...coz of u..i knew a sinceres all about..
i do love u..
n i miss our sweet moments..
i don wanna b apart from u..
cuz i noe dat i'l die widout u by my side...
6.42 am now...im not sleeping yet....(non stop crying..)
td telelap jap..huhu..owg sahur kite tido...segan nk bangun coz mate da cam froggy eyes..trok lagi pade katak kot...yg xle bla nye..dlm telelap tu pon ak termimpi sdey n nanges...means..ak da nanges almox bout 7 ours non stop tuh...(12-6am)...teddy ak da basah..towel pon same..then td ak bgun solat subuh..try to text him..'nite syg'..him:'nite..'..only???kali ni ak ase dy pon da nek fedup kot ngn ak..tp yg penting..ak XKAN GIVUP!!!,,hmmmm..82ly nid a shoulder to cry on..lau dulu ak ade bff ak ntok nanges..tp skunk ak kne bdikari la plak...teddy pon jadikla..am i toooo weak to hold my tears??...meyla ak jwb sdiri..memg pon sgt lemah...da name gurl..mudah je..tp bkn ntok sbarangan occasion..n bkn ntok pujuk rayu melemahkan kaum laki..tp da lumrah wanita..xsahur ae ni..da la pwot btol2 o..aiyyaa...sabar ye pwot...
if only u cud understand me dat time...
if only we doesnt date last nite..
it wudnt be happen..
it juz b'cuz of small matter..
n we fight each other..
Allah is Fair..
maybe HE wanna show us sumtink..
sumtink dat beyond our thought..
even i cried faintly..nothing gonna change..
i giv all my hope n pray only for HIM..
HE know evrytink bout us..
HE know the best..
I hope for a happy ending
even its all hurt,..
*i praise Allah for sending me u my love
u found me home n sail wit me
and i'm here wit u
now let me let u know
u'v opened my heart
i was always thinking that love was wrong
but evryting was change when u came along
and theres a couple words i want 2 say
for the rest of my life
i'l be with u
i'l stay by ur side
honest and true
till the end of my time
i'l be loving u..loving u..
for the rest of my life
thru days n nite
i'l thank Allah for open my eyes
now n forever i....i'l be there for u
i know dat deep in my heart
i fil so blessed when i think of u
n i ask Allah to bless all we do
u r my love..my friend n my strength
n i pray we're together eternally
now i find myself i fil so strong
evrytink changed when u came along
n theres a couple words i wanna say...
for the rest of my life...
-dedicated to my sygs...
now n forever..i wanna let u noe dat i luv u much more than i ever had..
i hope dat Allah will show us d best ever moments so we can share n be together eternally..
** ~i luv u~ **
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
3.. a.k.a..ThREe..(^_^)..lUv..lUv...
what a love is..
love is passion..
love is pure..
love is an emotion..
love also cures..
love HIM
love eternally,
love with enthusiasm..
u'l live happily..
sumtimes..things wil change..
for da 1st time..i found sumtink differs from others..wat a miracle hapen to me..where did he get da key..?i dont ever knowing him..but how can he get me unlocked??
i love him..hes a kind of mature man..cool guy but sumtime naive..
82ly..knal since end of mac 2009,..alkisahnye...
gotta kol from my unty..'kakak,.usha2 mamat* neyh..die ni pemalu cket ngn gurl..tp die baek..ni num die..017*******...'' i replied.."tp..hope end wit nothin la..i dont want any commitment..got 2 focuz on my studies..promix me.."
hahahaha....soon...im stuck inside...did im fallin in2 luv gain?nooooooooooo!!!!...
nampak gayenye gitula..hihi,(blushimm*...)neway...i like d way he is..simple,even hes much older...good listener..not a temper guy..n many other la..
Thursday, August 12, 2010
aFtEr 4 moNTh...~..(^_^)'
eLlOw KwN2..HoPe u R AlL FINe..
nOw....ItS StOrY Time!!!
historical,...stil linger in mind..
...then i talk to myself..juz let d past..
n d new one will come 2 u,
i lost in my own way..
4 d sake of myself..
i'v change
a lot...
dunno how 2 start mei..
mr. cOmOwT!...
i hold tight dis word.."wat goes around, comes around.."
after make up my mind..(still remember d past 82ly..)
i decide to have a new relationship wit a guy..hes a gud guy..
used to luv him also..
but we'v juz been together 4 half of year..
frankly..i noe him a lot b4,..maybe 4 a year..?
to mr.comowt...
if u read dis story..dont b anger key..
it juz a story..juz wanna share,..
hope u understand..
he makes me smile,
he makes me laugh..
even hes a mile..
he gave me luv,
sumtimes we found it hard..
when it comes to new heart..
even we'r apart..
we knew dat it was a start..
i noe it juz a while..
when we try 2 tuch' d sky..
it is too far too high..
we cant even giv a try...
i used to explain why,
but u kept saying me lie..
even u make me cry..
i'l never say goodbye..
then d time is passing by..
u'd come to say..'hi..'
dats d time my heart was died..
shud i let or juz rely?..
im sory i'd to let u go..
it 4 d tears dat i cant hold..
u r my luv, u r my soul..
i hope u noe dat i luv u so..
tq 4 being my fren,bf,n ever fill d empty of my heart...
i'l never forget it..
it cud be juz a beautiful moments of our lives..tq..:)
"..sejujurnya,kite ase selamat ngan gf kite pn,ngan kmu jerk"...
terharu la kite mr.comowtt..huhu..(8/19/2010)
mY FiRsT LoVe..
hi..im here to wish u alls.."selamat menyambut ramadhan.."
going to story sumting here..
i'l start with my first luv..
my superman..
when u whisper me dat u love me..
my heart will beating fast than ever,
when u hug me tightly..
i can fil da warm of u much better..
either u miss me @ not..i don care,
but i used to miss u a lot for the time we share..
if u do care on me a lot..i'l ignore,
coz u cares for me much b4..
if u cried bcoz of me,
im saying i'm sory to hurt u baby..
when i tell u dat im going..
u dont noe dat its all faking..
u don even try to pursue nothing..
but i juz stil waiting..
i had a bad dream b4 u go,
gave me a lot of signs..
no matter dat i hold...
u'r always not mine..
when i ask u 2 decide..
u said,"i nid a time to think.."
juz fil like to suicide..
n my world become dim'..
everything is totally hard....
then i made a promise to mine,
"when i step forward..
means im done to ur world..
once im going..
there's no space for u to be in.."
tq for giving me a 1000's feeling..
u'd make my life worth while..
n for ur kindness..i got nothing to compare wit..
please dont blame me for who i am..
cuz i noe dat im nothing 2 u..
now, im change n i cudnt b da same..
after all dat i'v go thru..
by d way,thanz cuz tore my heart into pieces,.
im happy wit my own life now..
u r my past..n never be my future's..
p/s..i stil have d 's' sign on my calculator..haha..hope dat u stil kip my teddy..
fyi,.i'l kip u in my box eternally..daa~
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